“Town halls with Karan Johar, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Facebook page, You Tube channel all done under #Mojo banner,” she said in a tweet. In a series of tweets triggered by Outlook’s online story, claiming propriety over the brand name, Dutt said she had launched Mojo shortly after her exit from the NDTV and a few events have already taken place under the same banner. Read also: NDTV Fires Around 70 Staffers, Editors Say The Company Is Shifting To MoJo Her new venture, MOJO, was launched recently. Mojo is a generic term for an emerging form of journalism that combines video, audio, text, graphics and stills, which is like print and television rolled into one. Ndtv finance woes apart isn't it wrong to appropriate someone's brand name & new form of journalism as yours ? Thoughts in this thread ĭutt’s spat with her mentor company, which had fiercely defended her during the Radia tape scandal, has made it evident that the split hadn’t been amicable. Additionally, she was a member of the decentralisation team at the World Bank that provided policy support to strengthen Panchayati Raj (local governance) in India.Senior journalist Barkha Dutt today slammed her former employer NDTV for calling its new form of journalism ‘MoJo’ (mobile journalism), which, according to her, appropriates her new brand’s name. Previously, she has worked with the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program and Rural Development unit in Delhi, where she focused on action research aimed at strengthening mechanisms for citizen engagement in local government. She has also been a member of the World Economic Forum’s global council on good governance. Yamini Aiyar is a TED fellow and a founding member of the International Experts Panel of the Open Government Partnership. Yamini’s own research on social accountability, elementary education, decentralisation and administrative reforms has received both academic and popular recognition.

It pioneered a new approach to tracking public expenditures for social policy programs and is widely recognised for running the country’s largest expenditure-tracking survey in elementary education.

Under her leadership, the Accountability Initiative has produced significant research in the areas of governance, state capacity and social policy. In 2008, Yamini founded the Accountability Initiative at CPR.

Her research interests are in the field of social policy and development. Yamini Aiyar is the President and Chief Executive of CPR. She is a featured Columnist with Washington Post appears regularly as an analyst on CNN and BBC and is also a Contributing Editor at The Week magazine. She is also the founder of 'We The Women', a multi-city festival and current affairs website that focuses on the biggest gender debates of our time. She is an out spoken feminist voice on the global stage and also the Founder-Editor of Mojo, a multi-media events and content venture. Her frontline reporting of the Kargil war first made her a household name. She did her Master's in Journalism from the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University in New York.īarkha has reported from some of the toughest spots and conflict zones in India and across the world including Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Egypt. Stephen’s College, Delhi with a degree in English Literature. She is India’s only Emmy-nominated journalist who has won multiple national and international awards, including the Padmashri, which is India’s fourth highest civilian honor.
#Mojo barkha dutt tv#
Barkha Dutt is an award-winning TV journalist, anchor and columnist with more than two decades of reporting experience.